Common wood cutting boards are harmful to health

Common wood cutting boards are harmful to health

Common wood cutting boards are harmful to health

When buying bamboo cutting boards, don't buy the color that is especially white. It is best to smell the smell of the cutting board first. If there is a sour taste, it may be bleached with sulfur, or bonded. And the glued glue contains harmful substances. It is best to choose a glue-free glued joint, that is, a bamboo cutting board that is reinforced with a bolt fastening process or a bamboo stick connection.
Even after cutting the dishes with bamboo cutting board every day, it is best to disinfect the cutting board. You can use the following methods: wash the method, wash the cutting board with a hard brush and water, then boil it with boiling water, and let it dry in the sun. Do not give the bacteria habitat; scrape the salt method, after each use of the cutting board (especially after the meat stuffing), scrape off the surface of the food residue, residual juice, brush with water, and then add salt water (concentration of about 15%) Soak for 2 hours, then take out and dry, so that not only can kill bacteria, but also prevent the cutting board from cracking. It should be noted that if it is a bamboo cutting board glued with glue, it is best not to cook it in hot water to prevent the cutting board from cracking.
When cutting cooked food, many families are accustomed to using traditional wooden cutting boards, and many young people prefer plastic cutting boards. In fact, the cooked food sent to the mouth is the "sickness from the mouth", the wooden cutting board is easy to chip, and the plastic cutting board breeds bacteria. Nowadays, there are bamboo cutting boards on the market. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, bamboo is sweet and cold, and has a certain role in inhibiting bacterial reproduction.
Therefore, when cutting cooked food, bamboo cutting board is an ideal choice.
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